Man I am super out of shape. I went for a quick 2 miles in the backbay and...well...lets just say I had to walk a couple times. It took me
So I think I have finished the plan for my resolutions. Its kind of complex so, I am apologizing up front. I made a huge list of areas to improve upon in 2011. I split them up into 9 sections; work, reading, Bill (the husband), Jesse (the son), running, weight, blog, nutrition, and spiritual. Once I looked over my goals, I figured a plan of attack. I needed a training plan. I also decided I needed to see completion quicker then a year. So I split them up into quarters - which is why I am not sharing the entire list (it would bore you to death anyways).
Quarter 1 Projects
My job - either find a new one or accept things the way they are
Business Plan - I have been promising Bill a business plan for over a year now (I started it, but never finished) he has a window cleaning business that needs organization and I have a business degree - I just like to know I am getting paid for work (I know it will pay off in the long run)
Complete client database - another promise to Bill...I set up a database for him and started entering clients, but I HATE data entry and well never finished
Read a book a month - after college, I stopped reading
Organize finances - I have been paying willy nilly - no idea where we are at or should be I need to get back on track
Blogs - comment more and post more pictures, I have a habit of reading and not commenting - I know its valuable to me so
I am a list person, if its on the list I will get it done for the sake of crossing it off. So the calender that I got for Christmas has my miles and date night schedule until the end of March. The top of the calender has projects for the month
Quarter 1 Plan
Schedule date night once a week - we drop the ball on date night all the time
Running - train for a 1/2 marathon (May 1st OC Marathon and half) My goal time is anything under 2 hrs
I will be attacking the daily goals by putting them on my post-it list for the day until they become a habit.
Quarter 1 Daily Goals:
Eat better - to me this means more vegetables, whole foods, etc. I have a tendency to go towards anything pre-packaged and pre-made.
Pray - I have gotten lost in daily life and my relationship with God is weak
Listen to 1 Bible teaching on the radio/podcast (baby steps - I'll get back to daily's and Bible reading)
Jesse - read bible stories - I need to start to teach him
So tonight we will be hooking up our new surround sound and watching Iron Man 2 (never saw it). I am getting excited about the new journey for this year!!
Welcome to my blog, where I attempt to incorporate Balance and Moderation into my obsessions, running goals, diet goals, and all around healthy living. This year's goal is to finish a 5K in 27 minutes and a 1/2 Marathon in anywhere close to 2 hours - wish me luck, since I have no idea what I am doing.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I have been thinking a lot about my goals for the up and coming year. I have always loves setting my resolutions, even though for the most part I have always sucked at keeping them. I think putting them in writing and telling you folks will make it a tad more formal.
I re-read my first post. I went with a motto instead of an attainable goal. Balance and moderation; how did I do? Well you be the judge.
There are things from this year that I have picked up that have become helpful to me. I think I will have to continue to strive for balance and moderation this year...I think it will be a lifetime goal for a person like me. It is in my blood to become overly obsessed about things. Right now running seems to help with the craziness, so I will continue.
This blog does not get a ton of traffic, I have not really tried to create it though. But it is important to me. I feel close to the people who do comment and the people I follow, in a weird virtual way. Thank you guys. Even with the small amount of people who read it, I am amazed at how much it helps me to be accountable, vent, get answers, and find realizations. On the flip side, reading everyone else's blogs has become a major hobby and passion. I am learning so much about leading a healthy lifestyle, its not the kind of stuff you can find in a diet book - its real live people striving to make changes, succeeding...and failing - its real. I have been trying recipes, exercises, advice etc from others and some I will take, some I will leave...but it has opened me up to new things and that is what matters. I will continue.
As far as life in general, ie work, marriage, kids, etc....I did not really make any changes to that last year. I think I would like to make some resolutions in those areas as well.
I am sure there is going to be a ton of goals for this year, I like to aim high. I'll have them all formalized tomorrow.
I re-read my first post. I went with a motto instead of an attainable goal. Balance and moderation; how did I do? Well you be the judge.
There are things from this year that I have picked up that have become helpful to me. I think I will have to continue to strive for balance and moderation this year...I think it will be a lifetime goal for a person like me. It is in my blood to become overly obsessed about things. Right now running seems to help with the craziness, so I will continue.
This blog does not get a ton of traffic, I have not really tried to create it though. But it is important to me. I feel close to the people who do comment and the people I follow, in a weird virtual way. Thank you guys. Even with the small amount of people who read it, I am amazed at how much it helps me to be accountable, vent, get answers, and find realizations. On the flip side, reading everyone else's blogs has become a major hobby and passion. I am learning so much about leading a healthy lifestyle, its not the kind of stuff you can find in a diet book - its real live people striving to make changes, succeeding...and failing - its real. I have been trying recipes, exercises, advice etc from others and some I will take, some I will leave...but it has opened me up to new things and that is what matters. I will continue.
As far as life in general, ie work, marriage, kids, etc....I did not really make any changes to that last year. I think I would like to make some resolutions in those areas as well.
I am sure there is going to be a ton of goals for this year, I like to aim high. I'll have them all formalized tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Belated Christmas
Happy belated Christmas to everyone!

I had to take a little break from running and blogging again since I was hosting Christmas Eve dinner for the in laws. There was lots to do and get ready for. I got super spoiled for Christmas...really. I think I got home from it all and thought "wow." It was overwhelming.
So I am now the proud owner of a Garmin 405 CX

(from Costco $219.99), thank you husband! I have no idea how to use it yet...I heard is the best place to learn how to use it.
I am also now the proud owner of a really old treadmill. You see, my mom got a new one for Christmas and wanted to get rid of her old one. Since I have a need for one, I decided to give it a whirl. My mind might be changed - I know EMZ will be proud. I used it tonight for my work out after Jesse went to sleep. It took me 40 minutes to run 3 miles...either I have gotten very slow within a week or it is off. Who cares, I got 40 minutes of running in either way...which is more then I would have gotten without it.
Oh and by the way mom got me these Nike Zoom Structure.

I have not used them yet - I want to get the arch supports for them first. I asked for these specifically since I have been using the Brooks shoes since Octoberish?? (I'd have to go back and review my posts and I am just to lazy for that). I love my Brooks, I will be getting them again and again and again. I wanted shoes I could switch off with and I though I would make it more fun by having different shoes. I hope I love them within range of the love for my Brooks!
I had to take a little break from running and blogging again since I was hosting Christmas Eve dinner for the in laws. There was lots to do and get ready for. I got super spoiled for Christmas...really. I think I got home from it all and thought "wow." It was overwhelming.
So I am now the proud owner of a Garmin 405 CX

(from Costco $219.99), thank you husband! I have no idea how to use it yet...I heard is the best place to learn how to use it.
I am also now the proud owner of a really old treadmill. You see, my mom got a new one for Christmas and wanted to get rid of her old one. Since I have a need for one, I decided to give it a whirl. My mind might be changed - I know EMZ will be proud. I used it tonight for my work out after Jesse went to sleep. It took me 40 minutes to run 3 miles...either I have gotten very slow within a week or it is off. Who cares, I got 40 minutes of running in either way...which is more then I would have gotten without it.
Oh and by the way mom got me these Nike Zoom Structure.

I have not used them yet - I want to get the arch supports for them first. I asked for these specifically since I have been using the Brooks shoes since Octoberish?? (I'd have to go back and review my posts and I am just to lazy for that). I love my Brooks, I will be getting them again and again and again. I wanted shoes I could switch off with and I though I would make it more fun by having different shoes. I hope I love them within range of the love for my Brooks!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Rain and Races
So Cal has been hit with "Storm watch 2010" : ) I could have used the rain as an excuse not to go running...but I didn't. I waited for a break in the rain this morning and then went out in it. Then of course it rained. No biggie. It did suck a little, but at least I got out - which was my goal this week. It took me about 35 minutes to finish 3 miles - I am starting to believe in muscle memory! I am sure I will get back to my 30 min 3 mile runs next week.
So, next weeks goal will be to run 3/3/3/4.
I am trying to pick a race to run. I seem to do much better when I have a race to train for. I think I started too late for Huntington Beach (Feb)...I might be able to pull off the hilly OC Half Marathon in May...but I feel like that is really far out. I read about the San Diego Zoo half marathon in March - which is a perfect amount of time...but I'd like to do something more local. I might just do it since it is me and my mom's birthday/Bill's birthday/our anniversary month and that might be a cool vacation for the Bill and me combo. No decisions yet though, just gathering information first.
So, next weeks goal will be to run 3/3/3/4.
I am trying to pick a race to run. I seem to do much better when I have a race to train for. I think I started too late for Huntington Beach (Feb)...I might be able to pull off the hilly OC Half Marathon in May...but I feel like that is really far out. I read about the San Diego Zoo half marathon in March - which is a perfect amount of time...but I'd like to do something more local. I might just do it since it is me and my mom's birthday/Bill's birthday/our anniversary month and that might be a cool vacation for the Bill and me combo. No decisions yet though, just gathering information first.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Not Giving Up
Yesterday I was super sore, I know it was just 2 miles, but it has been so long. I took it off of running. This morning, I woke up at 5:00am and was out the door at 5:30am. I definitely believe the worst part is actually getting out of bed. It's so nice and warm in my bed. I am not in my twenties anymore, so when I get out of bed, I am stiff for a while. Once I am out the door it's not so bad. I think I'll get used to getting up so early in a couple weeks, then it won't be so bad...hopefully.
I have been watching my food intake, since I am not running as many miles as before, I need to be more cautious of the amounts...I am not burning the calories I used to. I have also increased the vegetables, last night we had twice baked sweet potatoes and leeks. So stinkin good! I am not a vegetarian, but I have been trying to increase my fruit and vegetable intake, so sometimes I have meals without meat. Which is very foreign for an ex Atkins girl.
I have to say, it does suck, starting over again. Even though I am not at the complete beginning, I am pretty close. I think I have learned my lesson on taking a hiatus from running...don't. I should have kept running, but just decreased my mileage. This has been my first year of running adventures and I am still figuring stuff out. Running in the dark takes some getting used to. If I had another pair of shoes to switch back and forth with, I would try running in the rain...why not? I ran through the mud. : )
I have been watching my food intake, since I am not running as many miles as before, I need to be more cautious of the amounts...I am not burning the calories I used to. I have also increased the vegetables, last night we had twice baked sweet potatoes and leeks. So stinkin good! I am not a vegetarian, but I have been trying to increase my fruit and vegetable intake, so sometimes I have meals without meat. Which is very foreign for an ex Atkins girl.
I have to say, it does suck, starting over again. Even though I am not at the complete beginning, I am pretty close. I think I have learned my lesson on taking a hiatus from running...don't. I should have kept running, but just decreased my mileage. This has been my first year of running adventures and I am still figuring stuff out. Running in the dark takes some getting used to. If I had another pair of shoes to switch back and forth with, I would try running in the rain...why not? I ran through the mud. : )
Monday, December 13, 2010
Yup, I have been missing because I have been backsliding. I HATE running with the stroller - It sucks. A small part of the reason I enjoy running is the freedom. The freedom of movement, not having to babysit (I am a stay at home mom - I babysit all day long), being outside, feeling our weather (California is the best), etc. So I have not wanted to run. I don't have a treadmill and never wanted one...until now. I might actually invest in one after this.
After about 3 weeks of backsliding, (really it started since the half - but at least I was running more), I have come to the conclusion (since I am like 7 pounds heavier and my jeans are getting tight) I am just going to have to suck it up and learn how to run in the dark. I get scared running in the dark (too many Bones episodes)and I can't run with my headphones (I have an Ipod addiction), so I went down to the running store and purchased some pepper spray and a little light to clip on myself - those safety vests seemed a little much.
I got out of bed at 5:30am and got out the door at about 6:00am - seriously the hardest part for me was getting up and out the door. I am a little embarrassed to post this, but I ran for 17 minutes and decided that was it for today. I am sure I'll get my mileage back up again, I just need to get my butt out the door every day. I have no training plan this week - my plan is just to get used to getting out the door everyday. Running has taught me about consistency and slow progression to success.
After about 3 weeks of backsliding, (really it started since the half - but at least I was running more), I have come to the conclusion (since I am like 7 pounds heavier and my jeans are getting tight) I am just going to have to suck it up and learn how to run in the dark. I get scared running in the dark (too many Bones episodes)and I can't run with my headphones (I have an Ipod addiction), so I went down to the running store and purchased some pepper spray and a little light to clip on myself - those safety vests seemed a little much.
I got out of bed at 5:30am and got out the door at about 6:00am - seriously the hardest part for me was getting up and out the door. I am a little embarrassed to post this, but I ran for 17 minutes and decided that was it for today. I am sure I'll get my mileage back up again, I just need to get my butt out the door every day. I have no training plan this week - my plan is just to get used to getting out the door everyday. Running has taught me about consistency and slow progression to success.
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