Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fruits, Veggies and a 5K

So. Ok. What's the deal with fruits and vegetables? I have never been a lover of eating colorful food, I am a lover of the brown, tan, white color. I am even ok if you want to splash some food coloring in my food...but natural colors have never been my thing. Just take a look at the lovely foodie pictures I took a few months ago, it's pretty depressing. I read a lot of blogs where the authors have major love affairs with a salad!?!? How does that happen? Is it innate? Learned? How much work will it actually take to make me have a complete change of the foods I am comfortable eating?

My other gripe is time. It takes me 3 minutes and zero mess to clean up when I eat a Lean Cuisine, but when I make a salad - I mean a salad that I actually enjoy - it takes me at least 5 minutes plus the mess, and that is just for the salad. Also, I just never think it will fill me up. If some expert happens to stumble upon my blog...please tell me how can an ordinary person go from a dough and sugar lover to a fruit and veggie lover without having some sort of major awakening?

In other news, I completed the HB 4th of July 5K in 33:57, even though I am 2 minutes from the goal for this race, I feel like I am making some progress. Now I just have to keep it up and work hard to get to my goal by next month. I have a feeling I am going to get very close even if I don't get there.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Blog Addict

Call in the 12 step program people, I have a serious blog reading addiction. Now that I have one of those Smart Phones I have been able to read every one's blogs via my Google Reader. I swear, I refresh the Google Reader more then I do my Gmail - which is another major addiction. I went out "shopping" for more blogs to read last night - I found some good ones by checking out the comments section on the blogs I read most faithfully. I found some good ones! I am going to see if I can find some more today. I am learning so much and it is so cool to see real people who are able to incorporate running and nutrition into their daily lives.

If only I could read or comment on my Google Reader from my phone, my life would be utterly perfect.

I have another 5K to run on Monday morning, my goal is under 32 minutes, which seems ambitious knowing that just a couple weeks ago I did a 5K in 36 minutes - on a 20 gram of carbs a day diet. Remember how I said I was president of the bad idea club? Racing and Atkins do not mix for me. I am hoping that since I have added carbs back to my diet (watching calories), that it will make a difference in my time. I have 1 more 5K scheduled in August, if I don't make my 27 minute goal by then, there will be more 5K's.

My training has been moving right along, I have been using the treadmill most of the time now, I think because it is new and I have been liking it more and more, plus I can run while Jesse is taking a nap. My longest run is 4 miles, so it is not like I am spending a ton of time on it. My weight lifting has dropped off though. I need to pick that up again - I'll make it a priority next week. Speaking of next week, I have a 5 mile run on the schedule! It has been a long time since I have run 5 miles, to me 5 miles is a big turning point in my running; once I get there, I feel like a runner.

My schedule is going to change soon, I have been interviewing for a full time role where I will no longer be working out of my house (with my own hours). While contracting has been great for me as a mom and keeping up with my industry, it offers no stability or benefits. Jesse started Pre-school 3 days a week and I think it is time, to be honest, I really miss working with a team and going in the office. It gets pretty lonely on my own.

When I finally get something, I am going to have to figure out a new running schedule. I will have to make it work since I am signed up for the LB 1/2 in October! I will not be running another 2:50 half, I would like to be close to 2 hours, but I will take anything under 2:30...I guess we shall see when we get there.

Alright, it is time to publish this post and get my fix from other blogs!