Friday, August 6, 2010

Disney Excuse

Ok, so I decided not to go running the day we went to Disneyland on the account my groin hurt and I figured it would totally suck if I hurt myself even worse and had to walk around Disneyland with a hurt groin (I am sure I would get some looks on that one).

I planned on eating my own food at Disneyland, I even packed my lunch. That didn't go over well though - I ended up eating a corn dog, an ice cream sandwich, a churro, a cup cake, gumbo, garlic bread and Mexican food. Ugh, I am getting sick just thinking about it. I am guessing it was somewhere between 3-4000 calories (if not more), that will take me at least 30 miles to burn off. Gosh, when I think of it that was totally worth it.

Today is a day off since I am supposed to run 6 miles tomorrow. I have NEVER run 6 miles in my life and I am expecting it will be the slowest 6 miles anyone has ever run - probably 12 min mile. I am ok with that as long as I finish. I have decided to try to eat yogurt before I go - I thought about Gu, but since it wasn't at Target or the Grocery store that it was just too much effort to get. Maybe when I get a little better and go for longer I will try the Gu.

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