Friday, November 19, 2010


Bill and I went on a date night. Sometimes I think we are going to be the embarrassing parents. Poor Jesse.

Yup, poor Jesse - his parents are nuts.

Life is pretty boring in the training world - I guess that is good. I finally registered for the Turkey Trot in Dana Point. I'll be doing the 10K - Bill is going to do the 5K. This will be a first for me. I am kind of excited to go for a good run to give myself an excuse to eat a ton.

I keep seeing these articles on how to have a healthy Thanksgiving. They show you things to swap, cook lighter, etc. My opinion, Thanksgiving is a free day. So is Christmas. I am not going to worry about butter, flour, sugar, organic, bla, bla, bla...for one day (ok 2 counting Christmas and...well...ok 3 my birthday...and maybe a forth for anniversary - you get the point). I try my best every day to eat healthier - adding in greens, lowering fats, reading ingredients. I actually enjoy it though - it has broadened my palette to better foods. However, some holidays are just untouchable for me. So I won't lose weight for a week or two. Who cares? This whole thing I started was to change my life.

On another note, my caffeine habit has gotten out of control. I swear, I get a grip on one thing and something else goes crazy. I am up to 1 1/2 pots of coffee a day. I hate to admit it, but I am going to have to go through withdrawals - ick. Tomorrow (if it doesn't rain to early) I am going to drink my coffee go for a run and cut out the afternoon coffee. If I need to nap, I'll nap. I am committing to getting rid of the afternoon coffee for the next couple weeks (with the exception of Thanksgiving).

Any suggestions on relief from the withdrawals?

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