Friday, December 31, 2010

Goals and Resolutions

Man I am super out of shape. I went for a quick 2 miles in the backbay and...well...lets just say I had to walk a couple times. It took me

So I think I have finished the plan for my resolutions. Its kind of complex so, I am apologizing up front. I made a huge list of areas to improve upon in 2011. I split them up into 9 sections; work, reading, Bill (the husband), Jesse (the son), running, weight, blog, nutrition, and spiritual. Once I looked over my goals, I figured a plan of attack. I needed a training plan. I also decided I needed to see completion quicker then a year. So I split them up into quarters - which is why I am not sharing the entire list (it would bore you to death anyways).

Quarter 1 Projects
My job - either find a new one or accept things the way they are
Business Plan - I have been promising Bill a business plan for over a year now (I started it, but never finished) he has a window cleaning business that needs organization and I have a business degree - I just like to know I am getting paid for work (I know it will pay off in the long run)
Complete client database - another promise to Bill...I set up a database for him and started entering clients, but I HATE data entry and well never finished
Read a book a month - after college, I stopped reading
Organize finances - I have been paying willy nilly - no idea where we are at or should be I need to get back on track
Blogs - comment more and post more pictures, I have a habit of reading and not commenting - I know its valuable to me so

I am a list person, if its on the list I will get it done for the sake of crossing it off. So the calender that I got for Christmas has my miles and date night schedule until the end of March. The top of the calender has projects for the month

Quarter 1 Plan
Schedule date night once a week - we drop the ball on date night all the time
Running - train for a 1/2 marathon (May 1st OC Marathon and half) My goal time is anything under 2 hrs

I will be attacking the daily goals by putting them on my post-it list for the day until they become a habit.

Quarter 1 Daily Goals:
Eat better - to me this means more vegetables, whole foods, etc. I have a tendency to go towards anything pre-packaged and pre-made.
Pray - I have gotten lost in daily life and my relationship with God is weak
Listen to 1 Bible teaching on the radio/podcast (baby steps - I'll get back to daily's and Bible reading)
Jesse - read bible stories - I need to start to teach him

So tonight we will be hooking up our new surround sound and watching Iron Man 2 (never saw it). I am getting excited about the new journey for this year!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


I have been thinking a lot about my goals for the up and coming year. I have always loves setting my resolutions, even though for the most part I have always sucked at keeping them. I think putting them in writing and telling you folks will make it a tad more formal.

I re-read my first post. I went with a motto instead of an attainable goal. Balance and moderation; how did I do? Well you be the judge.

There are things from this year that I have picked up that have become helpful to me. I think I will have to continue to strive for balance and moderation this year...I think it will be a lifetime goal for a person like me. It is in my blood to become overly obsessed about things. Right now running seems to help with the craziness, so I will continue.

This blog does not get a ton of traffic, I have not really tried to create it though. But it is important to me. I feel close to the people who do comment and the people I follow, in a weird virtual way. Thank you guys. Even with the small amount of people who read it, I am amazed at how much it helps me to be accountable, vent, get answers, and find realizations. On the flip side, reading everyone else's blogs has become a major hobby and passion. I am learning so much about leading a healthy lifestyle, its not the kind of stuff you can find in a diet book - its real live people striving to make changes, succeeding...and failing - its real. I have been trying recipes, exercises, advice etc from others and some I will take, some I will leave...but it has opened me up to new things and that is what matters. I will continue.

As far as life in general, ie work, marriage, kids, etc....I did not really make any changes to that last year. I think I would like to make some resolutions in those areas as well.

I am sure there is going to be a ton of goals for this year, I like to aim high. I'll have them all formalized tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Belated Christmas

Happy belated Christmas to everyone!

I had to take a little break from running and blogging again since I was hosting Christmas Eve dinner for the in laws. There was lots to do and get ready for. I got super spoiled for Christmas...really. I think I got home from it all and thought "wow." It was overwhelming.

So I am now the proud owner of a Garmin 405 CX

(from Costco $219.99), thank you husband! I have no idea how to use it yet...I heard is the best place to learn how to use it.

I am also now the proud owner of a really old treadmill. You see, my mom got a new one for Christmas and wanted to get rid of her old one. Since I have a need for one, I decided to give it a whirl. My mind might be changed - I know EMZ will be proud. I used it tonight for my work out after Jesse went to sleep. It took me 40 minutes to run 3 miles...either I have gotten very slow within a week or it is off. Who cares, I got 40 minutes of running in either way...which is more then I would have gotten without it.

Oh and by the way mom got me these Nike Zoom Structure.

I have not used them yet - I want to get the arch supports for them first. I asked for these specifically since I have been using the Brooks shoes since Octoberish?? (I'd have to go back and review my posts and I am just to lazy for that). I love my Brooks, I will be getting them again and again and again. I wanted shoes I could switch off with and I though I would make it more fun by having different shoes. I hope I love them within range of the love for my Brooks!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rain and Races

So Cal has been hit with "Storm watch 2010" : ) I could have used the rain as an excuse not to go running...but I didn't. I waited for a break in the rain this morning and then went out in it. Then of course it rained. No biggie. It did suck a little, but at least I got out - which was my goal this week. It took me about 35 minutes to finish 3 miles - I am starting to believe in muscle memory! I am sure I will get back to my 30 min 3 mile runs next week.

So, next weeks goal will be to run 3/3/3/4.

I am trying to pick a race to run. I seem to do much better when I have a race to train for. I think I started too late for Huntington Beach (Feb)...I might be able to pull off the hilly OC Half Marathon in May...but I feel like that is really far out. I read about the San Diego Zoo half marathon in March - which is a perfect amount of time...but I'd like to do something more local. I might just do it since it is me and my mom's birthday/Bill's birthday/our anniversary month and that might be a cool vacation for the Bill and me combo. No decisions yet though, just gathering information first.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Not Giving Up

Yesterday I was super sore, I know it was just 2 miles, but it has been so long. I took it off of running. This morning, I woke up at 5:00am and was out the door at 5:30am. I definitely believe the worst part is actually getting out of bed. It's so nice and warm in my bed. I am not in my twenties anymore, so when I get out of bed, I am stiff for a while. Once I am out the door it's not so bad. I think I'll get used to getting up so early in a couple weeks, then it won't be so bad...hopefully.

I have been watching my food intake, since I am not running as many miles as before, I need to be more cautious of the amounts...I am not burning the calories I used to. I have also increased the vegetables, last night we had twice baked sweet potatoes and leeks. So stinkin good! I am not a vegetarian, but I have been trying to increase my fruit and vegetable intake, so sometimes I have meals without meat. Which is very foreign for an ex Atkins girl.

I have to say, it does suck, starting over again. Even though I am not at the complete beginning, I am pretty close. I think I have learned my lesson on taking a hiatus from running...don't. I should have kept running, but just decreased my mileage. This has been my first year of running adventures and I am still figuring stuff out. Running in the dark takes some getting used to. If I had another pair of shoes to switch back and forth with, I would try running in the rain...why not? I ran through the mud. : )

Monday, December 13, 2010


Yup, I have been missing because I have been backsliding. I HATE running with the stroller - It sucks. A small part of the reason I enjoy running is the freedom. The freedom of movement, not having to babysit (I am a stay at home mom - I babysit all day long), being outside, feeling our weather (California is the best), etc. So I have not wanted to run. I don't have a treadmill and never wanted one...until now. I might actually invest in one after this.

After about 3 weeks of backsliding, (really it started since the half - but at least I was running more), I have come to the conclusion (since I am like 7 pounds heavier and my jeans are getting tight) I am just going to have to suck it up and learn how to run in the dark. I get scared running in the dark (too many Bones episodes)and I can't run with my headphones (I have an Ipod addiction), so I went down to the running store and purchased some pepper spray and a little light to clip on myself - those safety vests seemed a little much.

I got out of bed at 5:30am and got out the door at about 6:00am - seriously the hardest part for me was getting up and out the door. I am a little embarrassed to post this, but I ran for 17 minutes and decided that was it for today. I am sure I'll get my mileage back up again, I just need to get my butt out the door every day. I have no training plan this week - my plan is just to get used to getting out the door everyday. Running has taught me about consistency and slow progression to success.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey Trot

I have been attempting to get this post up for a while - so please excuse the tardiness:

Thanksgiving was a nutty day! I was not ready for the race the day of. I was at Disneyland with my dad the day before so when I got home late, I was not in the mood to set all my stuff up. I figured it was a 10K - I didn't need all the stuff that I needed for the 1/2 Marathon. WRONG. We took Jesse with us, so factoring that in I was not at all prepared. But I made it. We drove off at about 5:50am and got there in time for me to go to the port-a-potty.

The race was super fun. I hardly felt like I was running the first few miles. It was a good run. I have good runs and bad runs - I think it depends on the amount of rest that I have before I go. I felt terrific. I came in in 1:07. That is a great time for me! I aimed for 1 hour - but that was close enough! 10K's are a great race distance for me = long enough to enjoy it but short enough not to kill myself.

Can you find me??

Bill did awesome too! He did his 5K in a little over 24 minutes. I was so proud. He had been thinking about giving up the race thing because of his knees, but I think this race and his time gave him a whole new excitement about it again. I'm glad, since he is my race partner.

Jesse and I were playing with the camera while we waited for Bill to come around:

(I wrote this last Saturday) Today I am off for Thanksgiving part 2 at my mom and dad's house. MMMMM turkey and stuffing, I just can't get enough!

So okay, I need to get back to running again. I have been sucking about going since the race. My excuses have been that it has been dark early and with the cold and Bill has been working late, so I can't go off by myself (I have to push the stroller - I HATE that). So, I have decided to just suck it up and run with the stroller - knowing it will be just temporary. I guess it is better then the treadmill. I'll try to work on getting to posting more to keep myself more accountable : )

Monday, November 22, 2010

Caffeine Withdrawal - Day 2 and 3

Day 2:
I was hating life! I went to church in the morning and almost fell asleep in service. When I got home I had a massive headache and no energy. Needless to say; no running for the lazy girl. I watched a ton of Bones re-runs (they are new to me) through Netflix.

Day 3:
Not so bad. I can tell I am coming out of it. I took some Tylenol when I woke up so my headache is very dull - not too bad and I have quite a bit more energy then before. I am drinking a ton of water still to flush out the bad stuff. I'll be going on a walk in a few to help keep the blood flowing.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Caffeine Withdrawal - Day 1

Sludge. That is the best way to describe the way I feel. Advil for the headache. It works. I have been drinking a ton of water, I had a Kale/Banana smoothie and the hubby got me a huge Frozen Yogurt. I planned to run today, but it rained and I got lazy. I'll get out tomorrow morning - even if I need to walk. Maybe it will help to detox the caffeine faster.

Blogging is just too much effort, so I'm gonna go lay on the couch.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Bill and I went on a date night. Sometimes I think we are going to be the embarrassing parents. Poor Jesse.

Yup, poor Jesse - his parents are nuts.

Life is pretty boring in the training world - I guess that is good. I finally registered for the Turkey Trot in Dana Point. I'll be doing the 10K - Bill is going to do the 5K. This will be a first for me. I am kind of excited to go for a good run to give myself an excuse to eat a ton.

I keep seeing these articles on how to have a healthy Thanksgiving. They show you things to swap, cook lighter, etc. My opinion, Thanksgiving is a free day. So is Christmas. I am not going to worry about butter, flour, sugar, organic, bla, bla, bla...for one day (ok 2 counting Christmas and...well...ok 3 my birthday...and maybe a forth for anniversary - you get the point). I try my best every day to eat healthier - adding in greens, lowering fats, reading ingredients. I actually enjoy it though - it has broadened my palette to better foods. However, some holidays are just untouchable for me. So I won't lose weight for a week or two. Who cares? This whole thing I started was to change my life.

On another note, my caffeine habit has gotten out of control. I swear, I get a grip on one thing and something else goes crazy. I am up to 1 1/2 pots of coffee a day. I hate to admit it, but I am going to have to go through withdrawals - ick. Tomorrow (if it doesn't rain to early) I am going to drink my coffee go for a run and cut out the afternoon coffee. If I need to nap, I'll nap. I am committing to getting rid of the afternoon coffee for the next couple weeks (with the exception of Thanksgiving).

Any suggestions on relief from the withdrawals?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Running in the Wind

So I am still moving along with the push up/squat/sit up goal. I'll get there. I have always been strong. When I was in High School I was the first girl in OC to play JV/Varsity Football. I barely got to play in the games - but I got to play a lot at practice. Football led me to weight training and weight training led me to bulk. Yep - I am that girl who lifts a few weights and starts to build muscle. Back in the good old days in HS (I say that sarcastically - God I am glad I am not there anymore) I could bench press 150 lbs. I remember the day I finally did it - I was so proud of myself. Anyway I have been avoiding strength training because I bulk easily.

Running has made me look at my body as more then just visual though - more then what I want to look like. It makes me look at my body as a vessel. With new perspective in hand the strength training doesn't scare me as much - plus we are just talking calisthenics not full blown pumping iron.

It was a super windy morning and I ain't afraid - so the hubby and I went for a 3 mile run in the wind. It definitely made it tougher - loved it. It has been beautiful here - blue skies, crisp air, a little chilly (my idea of chilly is anything below 70) feels like November. I love having running as an excuse to get outside and feel the weather.

By the way 167 is where I am at. I post it because I am proud of that number. 167 is sucess. When first started to lose weight, my goal was 165. I wish I would have blogged the entire 100 lbs lost - I would have loved to go back and read the progress. I think being above 250 lbs put my helth into perspective...I don't ever have to live that way again, one day at a time.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Days Off

I haven't been writing that much because there really has not been that many things to write about. I pulled a muscle - by the Achilles tendon from the sprints I was doing and so I took about 4 days off. I decided to take some time off when after 2 miles of jogging I was stuck limping home for a mile. I sat on a bus bench stretching knowing I was only a few blocks away but really just wanting to have someone drive me home. It sucked. So I got home, iced it, took a few Advil and decided I needed to ease back into running after I took a few days off.

I went for the first run on Sunday - just planned on 3 easy miles. After 2 I started getting the pain again, so I just walked home. No limping this time. I just started walking at the first ache.

I went down to the beach tonight and did an easy 3 miles again. I ran the whole way. Slow and steady in the beginning, after I was warmed up I picked up some speed. I felt great - no pain! I kept having to tell myself to keep it slow. The last thing I want is to have to take more time off because I pushed myself too hard.

I commit ed to this 6 week challenge I saw posted on Healthy Tipping Point. The goal is to get to 100 push ups and 200 sit ups the site had a goal of 200 Squats so I went with that too. I did the test to see where I was at apparently I rock at squats - I did 50 in a row so I get to start at week 3. I suck at sit ups and push ups. I was only able to do 7 real push ups and 25 crunches I have a long way to go.

As far as my running plan - I have put it on hold. I am just easing back into running. I am just going easy until I am certain I am 100% then back to the plan.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Last night was a blast! I ate way to much and I am refusing to weigh in today - I will own up tomorrow.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Plan

Eating today has been a total wash. Last night I had Mexican food. I am such a sucker for it. Good Mexican food in Southern California is so easy to find, and there just happens to be one down the street from my house. I got a chicken soft taco but I ate the beans and chips. Oh well. This morning I ate pumpkin bread, pop chips, toast, and this lentil and qeenwa (don't know spelling)- that is about the healthiest thing I have eaten today.

So I have a new plan I put together on my own with the help of Runners World and Hal Higdon. I think this plan will fit me better based on my history. I know it seems wishy washy, but I am still learning and after testing the waters on the Runners World plan I can tell it is a tad too advanced for me. So, this is gonna be the game plan for my sub 2 hour Half Marathon in February.

I am gonna weigh myself tomorrow, even after the junk food fest so wish me luck!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Starting From Scratch

So I feel like I am starting from scratch on running again. I went out for a little over 4 mile run which I was supposed to run on target pace (9 min mile). I don't have a Garmin so I never know my pace till I get to what I think is a mile (from map my run). My first mile I think I did about a 7:30 - crap...too fast. So I had to walk to come back from that one. Mile 2 and 3 was a mixture of fast, slow and walking. Mile 4 was sprinting all out and then walking (I was using streetlights as my start/finish). I really enjoyed mile 1 and mile 4, mile 2 and 3 sucked. The whole thing took me about 50 minutes - all in all not bad with all the walking I did. I am thinking if I can't figure out what a 9 min mile feels like - I am going to have to invest in one of those fancy watches.

So with all the walking it really made me feel like I was starting all over again. When I first started I was doing the whole run/walk thing. It kind of sucks to have to go back to walking when I know 4 miles is not too bad when I am cruising at my 10-10:30 pace. Since I now know that it is a process I will have patience and just go with it. I keep having to remind myself "Trust the process."

Eating-wise, I think I am on target. I am still not really following anything, I am just portion control and still keeping away from white flour, corn syrup, high processed foods, etc and eating more whole foods - I still eat my almond butter - I just cut it back to 1 TBSP a day instead of 2. I'll weigh myself on Monday and let you know if it is working.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First Day at the Track

So today was my very first day at the track (since like High School - which was about 14 yrs ago - eek). I decided to go to OCC which worked out well since they acomidate the public. I had so much fun. I LOVE running fast. I don't know why but I just adore it. Just an FYI - "fast" is really not that fast. It was so different then plugging along - which I also adore. This training plan is very differnt then Hal Higdon's milage increase, but I think I am going to like it.

This was the workout today:

1x1200 Pace Intervals which I am targeting a 9 min mile pace, I did it in 9:39 - I wasn't too sure what a 9 min mile felt like so I started out running too fast and then had to stop to get a drink 3/4 into the mile...this time includes the stop(400 meter recovery)
2x800 Cruise Intervals which equals 4:16 target for 2 times around the track (200 meter recovery). I ended up only doing 400 meters, but I stuck the timing at aound 2 minutes each lap.
4x200 Speed Intervals which is 1:01 target (200 meter recovery). I was able to do ALL of these at target pace.


By the way - I entered in this give away at Run Eat Repeat. I am linking for the double entry!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Goal

Ok so my new goal is a sub 2 hour time for the 1/2 Marathon by February (I promise not to freak out if I am like 2 minutes off). I picked my plan from Runners World. I am going with the intermediate plan, since I have the mileage covered. It is pretty complicated so I had to print it out and really study it.

Starting Monday:
* I start my new training plan
* I'll watch what I eat a tad bit better (since I am only losing like a pound every couple weeks) I've got 20lbs to get rid of so I think 4 months is ample time with the holidays coming up and all.
* I'll work on my core 3 times a week for 15 minutes(that may seem mild but right now I am random with my core so 3 times will be an improvement)

Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Long Beach 1/2 Marathon

I have been dreading this post since I knew it was going so take me so long to recap everything that happened. In one sentence, it changed my running goals.

So the night before, I slept like a baby - way better then my other 2 races since I drank some Thera-Flu (I was still sick and decided I was still gonna run - the only thing that would have stopped me was maybe the stomach flu). When I woke up, I jumped in the shower and made my smoothie that I was practicing with. My neighbor Eddie decided to run with us so he showed up around 4:30am along with my mother in law who was watching Jesse. I didn't lay everything out the night before, only my outfit and a few other things so I was running around gathering everything first thing - never again.

Traffic was less then I expected so it wasn't that bad. We did the pre-paid parking so we just went to out spot. While walking up to the area I had to pee, so we decided to stop at the Hyatt (right in front of the race). This was the BEST idea. We ate a bagel, drank water and went to the bathroom twice - no porta potties and small lines. Oh, by the way I saw Monica from Run, Eat, Repeat - one of my favorite blogs - very cool!

Here we are pre-race:

We got to the race area and I checked my bag (bad idea - more on that later). I also got talked into leaving my new hand held water bottle behind since there would be so many water stations. We then decided to go to the bathroom for the last time - I know it seems like we spent the whole morning in the bathroom, but remember I had a smoothie, coffee and water and I had nerves. The port-a-pottie lines were crazy and we should have gotten there earlier since we missed our start time. We went in the 5th line which was fine though since I am slow anyways. The only problem was we were in the back and we had to go around tons of walkers. I feel like my pace was faster since I was trying to pass a bunch of really slow people in the beginning.

Everything was fine aside from going around all the walkers for the first 7-8 miles and then I think all of the hills started to kill me. There was no major hills, but I have been training with my long runs at the back which is very flat - no hills at all. I started to walk through water stations, then at around mile 10, I had to start walking here and there and stretching everything out. I was super stiff. The Cool Fit people were there and I had them spray me - aaahhhhh....that was the best. The last mile was brutal - I was counting my steps in my head to focus on running...I am not even sure if it was running, it was more like shuffling. There was no sprint to the finish, my shuffle was the best I could do. It took ALL I had in me to finish. Official time 2:53:46.

Getting our bag back was horrid - Bill was one of those people who went in the tent to get our bag. After waiting in line for over an hour and then holding his race number in the air for another 1/2 hour - he was over it. He said he didn't yell at anyone though - thank God - poor volunteers. Next time I will leave everything in the car.

It might sound like this was horrible, but it was amazing to me. I pushed myself to the limit - it was awesome! I have a new respect for the 1/2 Marathon and I have re-evaluated my running goals. I still have a Marathon goal, but I decided that when I run my first marathon, I want to run it well. So, I want to sign up for the Huntington Beach 1/2 marathon in February and my first full will be next year's Long Beach Marathon. I have a time goal for February now, anything less then 2 hours. I have 4 months to lose 55 minutes off of my time. Since I know I can do the mileage, my plan is to only increase mileage to 15 mile long runs (with hills this time), work on increasing time, and lose 20lbs. I am definitely open to your suggestions!

I love my metal:

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Ok so I am getting so nervous about tomorrow. Whats funny is I always get nervous before attempting my long runs - since almost every long run has been a "first." Now I have double the excitement and anticipation for the race tomorrow. All of the logistics, doubts, fears, etc. are running though my head. If I told you everything it would be a very long blog and I would get nothing done. On top of it I have my bosses party tonight, I am still hanging on to my cold and I am in the middle of a new system integration at work aaaaa!! Once I start running tomorrow I think everything will be better. Funny how a run can make everything better.

So we went to the Expo yesterday and Bill was super excited to meet one of the Gladiators, Nitro - kinda cool.

I also bought a 8oz hand held water bottle. I know you are not supposed to try things out on race day but I figure I'll just empty it out if it bothers me - or I'll give it to Bill.

We went out for the traditional pasta after the Expo - Hal Higdon says to carb load 2 days before and then the day before eat lightly so you don't have to run with a full load - if ya know what I mean ; ) I am gonna take his advice on that one since I am not a public restroom pooper - I hate it.

Anyways, I am gonna take a quick nap, pin our numbers on our shirts and finish the laundry. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I am getting nervous about the big day on Sunday. I will be running my first 1/2 at Long Beach. I doubt I will get any sleep the night before...I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas morning. I am obsessing on I take the Blue line, do I pre-pay for parking, should I take a Taxi, what time should I leave?

On another note San Diego with the family was very cool...I only got one running day in though since I got sick. I have to say it was a beautiful run though - I ran towards the naval ships and ran back towards this huge bridge - I forgot to take pictures of the run since I was really trying to get out fast - I was on family overload. Great thing about running is that when I came back I felt great all over again. It was a total tourist trip, we went to the Wild Animal Park, a couple Museums, and Sea World:

I have still been sick with a nose/throat/cough thing - it pretty much sucks. I went to Mother's Market (health food store) and bought up all of the vitamins and herbal supplements I could afford. I have never been really keen on taking chemical stuff unless I need to (with the exception of Advil). I have been getting better - but very slowly. Hopefully by race day I will be 100%.

Oh and one more thing - any thoughts on Chia? I bought a bag while I was at Mother's and I have been putting them on everything. They seem to be the big thing on the blogs so I figure why not? Do you guys use them?

Monday, October 4, 2010

12 Miles in the Bag

So we completed the 12 miles - unbelievable. I made that shake again, but I added a couple handfuls of oats this time to bulk it up a bit (I didn't want to get hungry again). It is a pretty yummy shake, it reminds me of honey nut cheerios. We hit the beach again. I forgot to mention, I got a water belt. I tried it out on the 10 mile run and hated it. I love that everything is handy, but it was heavy on one side and it jiggled, so 3 miles into last weeks long run, I handed it to the hubby to wear. He wore it this time too. If you guys have any suggestions for carrying stuff on long runs, I am open. I ran out of Gu this time too and opted for sticking with Gatorade - I think I like it better. I took their Prime packages with me and drank it on about mile 5 (I know your supposed to take it before, but I had the smoothie so I figured I could replace my Gu with it). Then I drank mostly Gatorade all the way through, I needed water at one point. I have to say, I am a bigger fan of Gatorade then Gu - the Prime stuff is wet and when I am thirsty, the Gu sticks to my mouth. I think I might make the switch.

This time seemed much easier then the 10 mile run. It might have been the weather - last Monday was ridiculously hot, even at night. Last night was cold - ahhhh. It might have been my attitude too. I read a chapter in the Marathon book by Hal Higdon (not the novel) and some lady said she counted every step she took with her left foot to get her through. I realize I wasn't running the marathon last night, but this is the first time I have EVER run this far, so I had to count the last mile. It worked. I will be doing that again.

One more thing - I did the ice bath thing that all the bloggers rave about. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I could stand about 3 minutes max of that - how do you stay in there for 10 minutes? Not doing that again, I will stick with my ice packs and Advil thank you very much.

So Jesse and I are going to San Diego with my mom, my sister and her kids - I will be back in a few days with lots of pictures!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Feelin Good

Ok so I am all healed up from my first 10 mile run. I did yoga yesterday and I went out for 3 miles today - at times it felt pretty easy. 3 miles is still a pretty good work out for me. I was surprised it wasn't a total crap run since historically I suck the first run after the long run, I think I am getting more used to it though, or maybe it is the yoga? Who am I to question, I am just going to go with it.

Bill and I decided to go for the 12 miles on Sunday. I can't think about it right now though, I can't imagine going farther then the 10. I'll worry about it when I get there.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

10 Miles - Check

I did it! I am a double digit rockin mama! I completed my first 10 mile run - holy cow that was long and hard! My hubby and I ran last night at around 7pm, it took us a little over 2 hours with a bathroom break, several water breaks(at the end especially - it was super hot yesterday), and a couple walking breaks at the end. I am very proud even with my walking breaks - I remember seeing the 10 miles on the chart when I first started and thinking "I wonder if I will ever get that far." Well, I did!

Since it was so hot, I really didn't want to eat toast or oatmeal or something warm before we left, so I consructed the best pre-run shake ever. With the exception of burping bananas at mile 5, I think I should get a prize for this one:

Banana PB Shake*:
3 bananas
4 TBSP No Sugar Peanut Butter
2 TBSP Honey
1 Scoop of sugar free vanilla protien powder
1 serving carton of Zico Coconut water
Lots of ice

*makes 2 servings

Even with my shake, I got a little hungry at mile 6 so I might add oats to the recepie to bulk it up a little (just blend it all together).

Today my legs are very tired, I think I might do one of my yoga videos to streach everything out reall good, but I am going to wait till later tonight.

I am following Hal Higdon's Marathon training schedule, but I will also be completing the LB 1/2 Marathon in aprox 3 weeks. On my schedule, this is my taper week, but it does not take into account the race since the goal is for the marathon. I am going back in forth in my head if maybe I should go for the 11 miles this weekend and then taper the following week before the race, so I will be nice and fresh OR I can just keep following the schedule and take an extra couple days off before the race. Does anyone have any thoughts on that? I may have lost you on this...hopefully you follow.

Oh and one more thing, so I heard all this great stuff about ice baths, I was so excited to finally try it out. I got 2 bags of ice on the way home, filled the tub with cool water (on the cool setting), dumped the bags in the tub and got in. It wasn't that cold; all the ice melted, I think the heat from the day must have warmed our pipes...anyways that was a nice try. Next time.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


What can I say, I gave up. I had a bad attitude this morning since my husband was lagging and I wanted to get out the door. When we got to the beach, it was sunny, not a cloud in the sky and hot. I didn't bring a hat or sunglasses so I squinted for the first 2 miles. I was so hot an thirsty and tired, I was over it by then. I stopped by a shop and grabbed a Gatorade and I thought "I can do this" so I ran for another mile and got over it. I walked back to the car with my husband telling me "It is all mental" "keep going."

As I walked back to the car defeated I thought, I will just try it again tomorrow at 5:30am (when it is still cool out). I am worrying about Long Beach again, what if it is hot that day? I am always going out early or at about 5-6pm (when the sun goes down). Start time in LB is around 7:30am.

You know what I am also noticing? I do better on my long runs when I have 2 days off running and then go out. I think after I tackle the 10 miles - and I WILL, I will do some moving around.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Things to Think About

Ok so I am getting a tad nervous about going for the 10 tomorrow. I have my clothes laid out, I have yet to put together a new playlist for my Ipod and I am thinking about what I am going to think about tomorrow for a little under 2 hours. I figured what better way to think about it then to write it out as a list so here goes:

1. Things to do with Jesse
2. Places I would like to go on date with my hubby
3. What I would wear if I lost 20 lbs
4. What I would wear on a date with my hubby
5. Things to cook for the week
6. Sunday afternoon naps (with the windows open: sun coming in and breeze blowing through...aaaa...the best
7. Work
8. Plan out my backyard
9. Plan my week out
10. What the 1/2 marathon is going to be like
11. Pinapple (I know it sounds silly, but it got me through last week's last mile)

I'll write my list on the inside of my hands and look down at them when I need something to think about.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I Am Finally Ready

Ok so now I am ready to talk about the long, long, 9 mile run. I know I lagged on posting, but I have been addicted to The Office that I found on Netflix. I have never really been a fan, but I realized that if you watch it in order the jokes make more sense and it is pretty funny. Watching all of the episodes has been taking up all of my free time - I told you I have that kind of personality where once I get started I am all in...well, that is just another example - thank God for running.

Anyways, back to the 9 miles...HOLY COW! 9 miles is a long way. Like I explained before, we did it at the beach (we had my mother and father in law watch Jesse) at about mile 4 we drank some Gatorade and had our Gu package. I was feeling good until about 7.5, that is where I really had to dig deep and push through. At about the same time, my husband decided that he was going to speed up, so I was on my own. I just told myself that I needed to complete this to do the half and I would regret it if I gave up and walked, I put a good song on my Ipod and gave myself stop markers, you know "I'll stop when I get to (fill in the blank)," then when I got there I would do the whole routine over again. It seemed to work pretty well. When it was over I had to take my shoes off - my feet were so HOT! They were all red and swollen - yuck. Once I put them in the cold ocean they went back to normal. It took me a couple days to feel like myself again, 9 miles really wiped me out.

So we have 10 miles to do this weekend and I am excited and nervous at the same time. It will be my fist double digit mileage I have ever done running. That seems like such a milestone to me. Its funny since almost ever week has been a milestone (with the exception of taper weeks). I love that part of training. I keep thinking "there is no way I will be able to do that," and then I do. It's amazing. I really just need to learn to trust the process.

This is a picture of me, Jesse, my mom, and my aunt Carla at Disneyland - random - but it was the day before the 9 miler so, somewhat applicable :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010


So today was the 9 mile challenge, yes I finished - running the whole way (1 stop for Gatorade and Gu at mile 4). That is the farthest I have EVER run. I know I say that all the time, but 9 miles seems like such a long way, and it is. I am wiped out, no amount of coffee is reviving me and I keep getting hungry after I eat. We soaked our legs in the freezing cold ocean right after - which seemed to fix the pain then I came home and took a shower. I was freezing cold for about 1-2 hours, weird, I think it was a combination of water from the ocean, ice water (for drinking) and tiredness. I have been taking it easy today. I'll comment more on this tomorrow; I just want to finish my chores and rest.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Next Time

I will make sure before I go out the door that (1) I am wearing a sports bra and (2)I had a glass of water. Yeah, so I was doing my 3 mile run tonight and I was out about a quarter mile when I noticed I was wearing the wrong bra (sorry boys - you can skip this part). Well I know I am running and all but I am still lazy. So lazy that I made the corporate decision to run in that bra and not turn around. Bad idea - I will spare you the details. So my laziness kicks in around the thirst thing too: By the end of mile 1 I realize that I am thirsty, by the end of 2 I decide that I am very, very thirsty and blocks from my house, I realize that I am going to barf if I don't get some water. I think my throat was so dry it was making me queasy. All of this time, I am probably a quarter mile off course if I head for a water fountain. Do I go? Of course not. Lazy, lazy, lazy. Lessons learned on that one.

On a side note (I love side notes - I can't stop) I was running a drunk guy on a bicycle complimented me on my hair...he said it pretty creepily, but hey it must be great if a drunk guy on a bike likes it right?? God, should I change it back?? Nahhh...

Busy Weekend!

Friday, Bill and I went for a 5 mile run we made it back in 50:23. I don't think I have ever gone that fast - 2 minutes faster then the last time I timed it. I felt great! After that we had our first date night in like ages! We went to sushi and coffee where I drank another Pumpkin Spiced Latte (I can't stop).

Saturday we drove up to Upland to go to my niece's birthday party and we ate everything we aren't supposed to - Mexican food and Costco Cake. I am saying "we" since Bill is joining me on this healthy journey. Lot's of fun!

Sunday I decided it was time for a change. I cut off my hair and bleached it completely. This what it looked like before:

This is what it looked like after I got it cut:

This is what it looks like when I was all done - it still needs a little more bleaching since it is a tad yellow in spots:

I love it!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Show and Tell

So I went for my 4 mile run tonight. I went out to the Newport Beach Backbay, a little under a mile from my house. Of course I drove there since I wanted to spend my entire running time at the Backbay. I decided that I was going to take pictures of this run since it was such a lovely night. This is me driving to my destination, I was trying to drive and take the picture, so my aim was a little off - think of this as my "Before" picture:

This is the lovely trail that I ran back and forth on:

Ok, so here is my disclaimer on this picture. I hate this hill, I dread this hill, I am finally running this hill, but I still hate it with all my heart. When I say these words, you are probably assuming it is some massive hill and it is - to me. When I took the picture, it looked so small, I am starting to feel silly.

This is just the lovely view - man it is awesome. It really doesn't matter how much I go back there - I never get sick of the Backbay.

And this is me after 4 miles. Yup, "After." I think I will file this picture under "Do not post on Facebook." It was dark out by then and I was trying to be stealth taking a picture of myself in the car - even as the flash went off. I can only imagine what the passers by thought.

Oh and just for picture's sake, I got my little man his first potty over the weekend. He seemed to think it was a toy....after all Elmo is on it!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The other day Glenn posted that he was having a "Craptastic" day. I on the other hand had a crap run, there was no tastic about it. I wouldn't even call it a run since I really only ran 1/2 of the way. I walked about 1.5 miles out of the 3. I have noticed that sometimes I just have a crap time running. It is like I have weights on my legs and I feal like I am clumping along. It really is, well, crap.

I am hoping that tomorrow I don't crap out in the midle of my 4 mile team run. Any suggestions? Am I just destined to crap days where running is just not going to happen?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Resting on Labor Day

So today was a rest day for me - thank God since my legs were super tired. Yesterday was supposed to be my cross training day an I decided to pick one of the workouts from Fitness Channel On Demand that TWC offers on my DVR. I wanted to do the Jackie Werner(sp?) workout, but they took off the hour long one. I checked out Jillean, but all they had was her level 1. I found some other lady on there and decided to take a gamble - it was 1 hour long and it had strength training. Whoever she was, she killed me. When I started out, she had me doing some silly dance moves and then I was doing ballet stuff and then it got harder and harder. I actually had sweat dripping down my face - I don't even get that sweaty when I run! Pretty gross, but I loved it.

So today I am super lazy. I actually took a 3 hour nap and I watched Raising Arizona. It has been years since I saw it and it is even funnier the second time. I remember thinking it was stupid the first time, but I was pretty young. I retract any bad comments I made on that movie - it was hillarious!

I wish I took pictures of my food today because it was so yummy! I always forget to take a picture because I am always hungry and just want to eat. I guess I get caught up in the moment - thank God I am not a food blogger. Anyways, I made a greek chicken salad (hummus, fresh basil, feta cheese, chicken, and onions) I put it on top of spinach and toasted some pita bread. Yes, this will be a repeat lunch/dinner. For dinner I went to this place called Hosum Bistro it is one of my favorite places to eat. Then I went to Starbucks and got my new addiction the Pumkin Spice Latte with soy. I need to google the calories on that one...I am putting it though, I figure as long as I don't know it doesn't count :)

So now I am cafinated, catching up on reading everyone's blogs, and watching Mystery Science Theatre 3000 - not my choice, but still funny.

Today was a success, I successfully completed 3 loads of laundry, nap time, movie watching, eating, and vegging out.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I did it!

Yup, I ran 7 miles! It was a long way, but it felt pretty good. I am pretty worn out today since my son has decided that he would like to stay up all night. He is really killing me. He goes in phases; he sleaps really good for weeks, then all of the sudden we are back to square one. Tiredness has set in, so please excuse the lack of creativity in my writing. I would be resting right now, but I felt compelled to record such a major acomplishment. 7 miles is pretty major since it over an hour of running - it took me about 75 minutes to complete. We went down to the beach again first thing in the morning. I thought it was the best place to try out the 7 miles since it was flat and there is a halfway point, so if we were having a bad run, we could bail out. But, there was no reason to - it was a great run! It was super foggy first thing in the morning, so the view was just people and houses, but it was perfect weather, nice and cool.

When we were done running and I crashed on the bench we decided to go in the water to cool off our legs since all the bloggers and podcasters talk about how great ice baths are, I figured it was all in the same. The water was fifty something and boy was it cold! Whew! But it felt amazing!

After we got home, I treated myself to blueberry buckwheat pancakes, a nap, and a pedacure - what a fabulous day!

So now I am gonna cudle up on the couch with my hubby, watch a movie and call it a great day!

Friday, September 3, 2010

7 Is The Magic Number

So tomorrow I have 7 miles to do on the chart. Can I make it? I think so? I have never run that far, so I guess we will see. I have mapped out the Newport Beach boardwalk and from end to end it is 7 miles almost exactly. I have loaded a new playlist on the Ipod and I am ready to rock! I really love to rock out while I run, it makes it super fun.

Anyways, I went to Disneyland with Bill and Jesse today and we did not eat any junk food, I swear....

Ok, so maybe a little ice cream. It was well worth it though and if I make it through the 7 miles that will compensate for my splurge. By the way it was Mocha Almond Fudge and Cookies and Cream - super yum! And no, I did not eat the entire thing. It stopped being yum when I got about 2/3 of the way through, so I tossed it.

While we were parking, I saw some of the race set up. Maybe next year - it looks like it is gonna be a blast!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Know I Already Posted Today...

But I had to share. We took pictures from the run today. Man I love living in California, it pretty much rocks! We have the best weather and the beaches - gotta love it! The run with the group was a little unorganized tonight, but still fun. Bill and Jesse came along with me and had a great time.

This was Jesse getting ready to go for his ride, he's pretty cute huh?:

This is Jesse and Bill. I caught Bill in a hunch-back streach of some sort - he looks kindof silly:

These are me in all my running glory...I take a pretty good picture when I am running ;)

This is my back (incase you were wondering). You can really see how pigeon toed I am in this one:

And these are just some of my lovely pictures:

And this is Jesse when we set him free from his ride:

Work. Work. Work.

First of all - really cool stuff! I was reading my blog to my hubby last night, he says he would rather me read it to him. I have been thinking I am writing to myself the past few weeks...but I scrolled down and saw comments! I know, you may think I am being lame, but I was excited to know that I am not completely alone on this journey. Thank you for your support Glenn and Nicole!!

Bare with me on this next paragraph, I was getting bored rereading it - but it is my life and what is going on:

The past couple days I have had to attend some work functions. Back when I first had Jesse and decided I could not leave him, I left my work - the one I worked all crazy at - they asked if I could work on certain things from home for them. I love them and I have a great boss, so of course I was ecstatic that they asked me. So I am kind of a contractor/consultant for them. Anyhow, all of the HR Managers (I worked in the HR department) flew down this week for a meeting. I got to do a schpeel on my stuff and I got to listen to others. Interesting to me, probably not to you...long story short, I have been busy with them for the past 2 days and no time to run. I have however stuck to my diet - whatever that may be. We had a team event at Dave and Busters and I ended up ordering soup and endaname beans while everyone ate their super yummy foods. I made sure to pack all my snacky stuff so I wouldn't grab any of their junk food (they always have all sorts of goodies to keep you going at these events).

Running team tonight at 6:10...I am really getting excited about it. This is the picture they took from last week. Can you see me?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

6 Miles is Still a Long Way

This morning I did my 6 mile long took me about 70 minutes with a small (2 block) walk break at 5.5 and a run into the 7/11 for water since I would not pass my house. I have to admit, it was much easier then I thought it was going to be, but it was still a long time to be running for. I felt really good, it was amazing!

I am going to try and explain this to you, but this might be one of those things that is in your head and it never translates the same. But I'll try. Background: For the past several years I have been so goal oriented - eye on the prize - that I have missed so many other things that I have been getting to do today. As I was running today, I kept looking forward, all the way down to the end of the street, but as usual, I was missing every thing else along the way. I know it is pretty cliche to take time to small the roses...but the reason it is so cliche is that almost everyone can relate. I felt like God was opening my eyes to a different way of life, a way of life where I would focus on the present things and glance at the end.

Another thing I noticed; the street I was running on was one of the streets I started running on. I could barely make it a few blocks back then. Time has flown by so fast, it is amazing how quickly the miles have started adding up for me.

By the way I went to Disneyland with my mom, niece, and Jesse on Friday...we had a blast!

No, my cheeks are not that big...I just took a big bite of my sandwich.

Tomorrow is a rest day, I'll probably do some Yoga and ab work and then call it a day.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My name is Nikki and...

I am a Almond Butteraholic. Yup, I bought a jar 2 weeks ago and I have been having some every day with Agave or Honey on Ezekiel bread and OMG - Heaven. I am attempting not to overindulge, like a teaspoon/tablespoon a day...but I keep thinking about all the wonderful things I could put it on. Needless to say, I am obsessed.

I finally broke into the 60's! I am at 169.2. Pretty good for all that Almond Butter huh? My goal was 165 initially, but I am starting to wonder into uncharted territory. I have never been lower then that, well maybe in like JR High and High School when I was getting high...but I have no idea how much I weighed then, I was too spun. It is pretty slow and I have been very relaxed about food, I have just decided to abstain (as much as possible) from the foods that I get super addicted to like cake, refined sugar, fried food, fast food, white flour, corn syrup, highly processed foods. Since it is pretty slow, I am sure my body will naturally plateau when it is ready to. I am pretty far from that though. Good to know things are still moving right along.

3 miles today - all went well. I could still feel some shin pain but when I got home I iced, elevated and took some IB Profin, now I am good as new. Tomorrow is my rest day and we will be going to Disneyland for the day. Saturday is a 3 mile run and i am considering doing it at the beach since it is flat and I am not running sideways from the streets. We'll see.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day

Like I mentioned before, I decided to join a running club and run with them on Wednesday. Today was my first day and boy was I nervous. I was mostly nervous since I have been sucking completely the last couple days of running. I was worried I would be the last one or I would be forced to walk part of the way. I just didn't want to completely suck.

So, before I left I ate some toast with honey and some NF Yogurt (yum yum). I packed an apple in my car for after the run and away I went all by my lonesome. Bill and Jesse stayed back at the house. I got there a tad early and got to meet a bunch of people, everyone was very nice. There was about 20 people doing the run, everyone at different levels and going different distances - some walkers, run/walkers, runners fast and slow. So I felt better that I wasn't the only beginner out there.

So the shoes you ask. Well I can now say they are broken in - I rand 4 miles and felt terrific! I forgot to time it and got caught up in the moment. I really felt like I could go longer. I had so much fun! I started out with a couple gals and ended up on my own - probably better that way since I really am not a great run-talker. I just like to listen to my music and enjoy. Even though I am not much of a talker it is motivating for me to run with others. It takes the loneliness out of running and makes it fun to see people you know out there doing the same thing.

I am back to loving running - for a minute there we weren't friends.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just Incase You Were Wondering...

Sugar free chocolate and running do not mix. I was poking around the house for something sweet today, having a major chocolate craving. There they were - the Atkins version of Reese's PB Cups. They hit the spot! Sugar free chocolate rocks!! Only when you have the time to care for the belly - usually I eat it at night and sleep the gurgles off. Not today, I had to eat them after lunch and when Bill came home at 2:00 wanting to go to the beach, I said, "Great! You get Jesse ready and I will be back in 30 minutes." Oh and by the way 2:00 in the afternoon during the summer in CA - not such a good idea either. I went out for my run slow and steady, about 10 minutes in the grumbling started and I had to take a little walk break to hold the cheeks together. It seemed like eternity to get home and when I did, holy explosion! I don't mean to be graphic, but man oh man. I am so glad that was over.

When I look back at this I think "man I am such a genius." Oh well, there is much to learn with this whole running thing...I am sure there will be many more days like this.

By the way, the new shoes are still on my good list since most of the pain in my legs are going away. However, and a big HOWEVER, they are going to go on the naughty list very soon if my legs keep failing. They are so tired, not sore, just tired. I am barely doing any miles right now, but it feels like I am working new muscles - I am blaming the shoes, but I am giving them some time since I am almost completely healed of pain.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Rest Day

Yesterday's Tae Bo was great. I can remember post-running days when I could only make it 1/2 way through. I think the farthest I got on that video was 45 minutes. Yesterday I finished it and was ready for more! Crazy. It really made me feel confident in my progress.

On other news, the new shoes are still on my feet (yes, I take them off when I sleep). I have noticed how high my arches are when I take them off and walk around bare footed. Muscles that haven't been sore before feel like they are being worked and my feet are more tired then usual. My thoughts are that I am just adjusting to the change in posture/foot positioning. I think I will really feel the difference next week.

When I bought the shoes, the gal who helped me told me about a running club they have (it is free). I told her I was interested and got my email yesterday. They work out Mon and Wed, but I am committing to Wednesday with the group, starting this week.

Other then that it is a boring rest day and I can't wait to get out tomorrow to get back on track!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tae Boe Day

Yesterday was a sucky running day. I love the new running shoes - but my legs felt heavy and sore. I got over it by mile 2 so Bill and I stopped by the park and let Jesse play for a while. While Jesse was playing, I went to the the field to run sprints - man they are fun. Then I thought, I could attempt the run again, so I ditched the boys and went running again - I was just so out of the mood, I got over it and ran back home.

Per the Ha Higdon schedule, it is cross training day. I will be doing 1 hour of Tae Boe. My legs are still killing me, so I took Bill's Rx IB Profin again. Probably not the best idea, but they hurt and I am thinking that the rest day tomorrow will get my legs back to normal.

I am still trying to keep to schedule so I can run Long Beach. I have less then 60 days and I am a tad behind due to my minor injury.

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Shoes

I went out for a test run after 2 days off and 1.5 miles in and same pains. I came to the realization that it might be my shoes. I just bought these Nike Lunarfly shoes since the salesperson told me they were great and well, they looked high tech and they were in the budget, so I bought them. Cute, huh?

They are comfy shoes, but it seems like since I have been running in them I have had shin splints, groin pain, and now a pulled quad...can you say "frustrating?"

So I got this $10 off coupon at Road Runner Sports in our 5K goodie bag and it said that they would do an whole review/analysis to and make sure you have the perfect fit. So I went. They measured my foot length and width, I stood on a pad that measured pressure, and they taped my running on a treadmill. The gal I had was very knowledgeable and I found out I have high arches (never knew that) and I run pigeon toed (I knew that - I just didn't know it would injure me). She got me some inserts for my arches and a neutral shoe. All in all a great experience, I didn't feel like I was being rushed or "sold." So these are the new running kicks:

I hope this will be the end of all of my running issues - I am getting excited, I want to go run right now - I am actually sitting at the computer in my new shoes!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So ok, I have no patience. I have never really had patience in any area of my life. When I was working the girls would tell me, "You just wait till you have kids." I am...still no patience. I can remember a time when I was like 16/17 and I started playing pool, I would make my friend "practice" with me as if I was one day going to be some major pool competitor. That dream died out after a few weeks of learning that I was just not the expert I thought I was going to be right then and there. There was also the time that I was "Weight Watcher" girl, I dreamed that I would lose tons of weight and become the next spokesperson. I practically memorized the point values for every food. I took a sharpie marker out and marked every item of food with the point value. I didn't lose weight quick enough, so that went out the window too.

Now I am aspiring to be a runner. I have been reading every book I can get my hands on, blog that I can find, and Googling every running chart I can find. I know I am obsessing, but I am enjoying every minute of it. I have it in my head somewhere that I will one day win a race - be it a 5K or a marathon. Of course that is just crazy talk, but it is jingling in my head. But here I am with shin splints and some major pain in my leg that I have been icing, realizing that my body can't keep up with my aspirations. I need to slow it down and take a step back in order to move forward. I feel like my body is forcing me to back off a tad. Even though I don't want to, I need to wait. My addiction to IB Profin needs to stop and I need to take a look at what my body is telling me. I want so bad to be a great runner, but I want it all to happen now.

This marathon goal is probably the craziest goal that I have ever had in my life, that is why I love it so much. It is greater then me right now and no amount of research, obsessive training, or IB Profin is going to get me there faster. I am at the mercy of my body and what it can do. Patience is forced upon me if I would like to proceed.

Isn't it ironic that training for a marathon is going to teach me balance and moderation? Who'd a thunk!??!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I went out today after a day of rest for my 3 miles and I am back to square one. I had to limp back for 1.5 miles since halfway out I realized it was not getting better. I am at a total loss. I had a day off from 3-2-3 miles...not even that grueling, even for me.

So I am starting to doubt myself in this whole marathon goal. I know I can do it, but will I be able to train in time for the HB Marathon? I am also worried about the LB Half Marathon, will I be ready in time?

Bill told me to take a day off again, but I am afraid of losing all of the endurance I built up. I realize it is just one day, but I did this last week. You may think I am completely nuts when I say, I plan on doing Yoga tonight and then tomorrow morning and then going for a 2 mile run, just to see if that helps. Maybe I am not warming up enough and my muscles need more stretching, the Yoga last week seemed to help. I feel like I need to see if this will work since going off my schedule this much is really going to throw off my goal.

Why is it that some days I am so stoked to go running and it feels terrific and other days it feels like crap?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Deleted scenes from chariots of fire

Manchild Conquers a 5k

OC Fair 5K

Ok so this is my first actual race that didn't include mud. Can you say FUN!?!? I am now totally addicted. I know a 5K isn't really a long way for most runners, but for me it is a pretty good distance. So here is my recap:

Bill decided he wanted to push Jesse, so we called my mom to let her know and then told her she still needed to come to be our cheerleader. We got there at about 7:30am, registered and then went to get Bill some Kaopectate(sp?) for his stomach (he woke up in the middle of the night with...well..I'll spare you). We came back parked the car and got Jesse set up - Jesse was in a terrible mood since we woke him up at about 6:30am. I walked the the bathroom and waited in the women's long line while watching the men just mosey in and out of their bathrooms. We took our before pictures with my mom and got in line to run. I decided that it would be best if we were at the back of the line with the stroller...we hung out with all the other stroller people. And away we went!! I loved the fact that they let us all go at once instead of in really made it that much more exciting. Being in the back had its advantages too as it forced me to go out slow. We had to run around a lot of people, but since I didn't have the stroller it wasn't that bad. The course was very flat (nice for a beginner like me) and we got to see the super fast people at different areas of the course. They were flying by, it was so motivating and great to watch. I stayed steady the entire race, I probably could have pushed it a little more, but I wanted to stay the course and pace myself. I did, and when I saw the finish line I picked up the pace and booked it as fast as I could. It felt terrific!

I posted some after race videos Bill made with his phone...kindof can tell we had a great time.

My only gripe was that they got my time wrong, way wrong. They have me running 6:30min miles. Not even close. I finished somewhere close to 30-33 minutes.

All in all a great morning, but now I would like to sleep!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

2 Miles Before the 5K

So I figured I could run 2 miles before the 5K tomorrow (I want to be as close to my schedule as possible)...and...yes...ouch...again. I sat in the Epsom salts, iced, and took IB Profin, glutamine and Omega 3's. I am still doing the 5K tomorrow, I will go slow and steady.

One of the things I realized when I run races, since I have run so many. Ok so when I ran the mud run, I went out too fast, also there was a big fat hill at the beginning of it so I was winded very fast. I heard that lots of people do it, and I am sure a ton of people will do it tomorrow since it is a 5K. I will vow to go slower then usual in the beginning then pick up the pace. We will see how that goes.

I posted the race on FB, but it appears out of my 200 and something friends no one wants to go. Whatever.

Bill asked me why I didn't invite my friends on FB to follow my blog, my answer: "Because it is personal and I would rather share it with people who are going through the same thing, who I do not know." What if I want to talk smack on some one? Then what? I have to watch my words? No thank you. I want to share everything here and not be concerned what someone might think.

I am staring to sound bitter, can you tell I need coffee?

Friday, August 13, 2010

3 Miles - A OK

I did 3 miles today in 30:19, feeling pretty good about myself. I think the rest did me pretty good. When I ran those 3 miles my muscles felt great, I didn't feel tired like I usually do. I have decided to run the OC Fair 5 K on Sunday. I am hoping to be able to register on sight - it looks like a fun run. I am still icing, sitting in Epsom salt baths and taking the glutamine.

I think Hal Higdon is right about the cross training thing (go figure), I think instead of running on my cross training day, I should be doing something else...I don't know what yet...but after seeing how much better I ran when my muscles are well rested, it seems to make more sense (at least for now) to pick something fairly easy for my cross training days. Hmmmm, I will have to think about that....

As far as my diet goes - I think I am doing fairly well. I am eating all the right foods, I may want to start looking at portions though. I am still losing weight at a good rate, so I guess when I start to plateau I will re-evaluate my diet.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

In the Beginning...

So this is the last night of my just doing Yoga...I can say that I am truly ancey. I cannot wait to wake up tomorrow morning at 5:30am to give it a go again. I hope all this rest will do good things for me. I am also not too keen on falling behind schedule.

I started my weight loss adventure doing Atkins...well if you really want to start from the beginning, I have always been a little overweight - nothing major, just a little thick. When I got pregnant and then put on bed rest, I got...well...HUGE! I mean like 250 lbs + huge! I am 5 foot 6 so that is a lot of weight to carry.

This was me when I was 8 months prego (I was still gaining weight if you can believe it):

So after I delivered, I lost about 30 lbs in a month then I went on Jenny Craig and lost another 30 lbs, then stalled for a while and went on Atkins (which I loved) and lost about 15 lbs where I plateaued for a couple months, now I am doing my own thing and have lost another 5...bringing me to a grand total of 170.

My own thing consists of a low fat higher carb (low sugar, no white flour) version of Atkins. I liked doing Atkins since I had to learn how to eat more vegetables and less processed foods. Currently, I am still trying to lower the processed foods, hormones, and chemicals. I switched to higher carbs when I learned that I would need the carbs for distance - so I have incorporated fruits and grains. I thought I would gain some water weight when I switched, (carbs hold more water) but I started to lose weight again.

I started to run when I got impatient with walking. It really takes me too long to get where I need to go. Although I move slow running (fast walkers could keep up with me), I feel like I am moving faster. I have always liked being in sports and challenging myself, so this running thing seems to be a good fit.

I so cannot wait to try running again tomorrow - I am going to be slow and steady.