Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fruits, Veggies and a 5K

So. Ok. What's the deal with fruits and vegetables? I have never been a lover of eating colorful food, I am a lover of the brown, tan, white color. I am even ok if you want to splash some food coloring in my food...but natural colors have never been my thing. Just take a look at the lovely foodie pictures I took a few months ago, it's pretty depressing. I read a lot of blogs where the authors have major love affairs with a salad!?!? How does that happen? Is it innate? Learned? How much work will it actually take to make me have a complete change of the foods I am comfortable eating?

My other gripe is time. It takes me 3 minutes and zero mess to clean up when I eat a Lean Cuisine, but when I make a salad - I mean a salad that I actually enjoy - it takes me at least 5 minutes plus the mess, and that is just for the salad. Also, I just never think it will fill me up. If some expert happens to stumble upon my blog...please tell me how can an ordinary person go from a dough and sugar lover to a fruit and veggie lover without having some sort of major awakening?

In other news, I completed the HB 4th of July 5K in 33:57, even though I am 2 minutes from the goal for this race, I feel like I am making some progress. Now I just have to keep it up and work hard to get to my goal by next month. I have a feeling I am going to get very close even if I don't get there.

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